I-e-Recruitment nokuqasha okubandakanyayo
izinqubo zama-SMME e-SA
Amakhono Edijithali Emisebenzi Nemali Engenayo (DS4JI)
I-eRecruitment kanye nezinqubo zokuqasha ezibandakanya wonke ama-SMME eNingizimu Afrika wuhlelo lokuqeqesha oluklanywe iphrojekthi ye-Digital Skills for Jobs and Income (DS4JI) ukuze kuhlonyiswe ama-SMMEs ngokuwahlinzeka ngamathuluzi adingekayo ukuze ahlonze futhi aqashe abasebenzi abahlukahlukene, abanamakhono edijithali. Ukuqeqeshwa kwenziwa ngokubambisana ne.
Izinhloso zalo mklamo zikabili: okokuqala, ukuhlomisa Amabhizinisi Amancane Naphakathi (ama-SMME) eNingizimu Afrika amandla okukhetha abafaneleka kakhulu; futhi okwesibili, ukuhlakulela isiko lokuhlukahluka, ukulingana, nokufakwa (DEI) ohlelweni lokuqasha.
Isicelo sokubamba iqhaza kuleli thuba lokuqeqeshwa kwamahhala manjevula.
HR personnel at SMMEs often find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer volume of applications and struggle to match the technical, digital, and soft skills required for the advertised positions.
Aligned with DS4JI, our team had been entrusted with the vital mission
The project's objectives are twofold: firstly, to equip SMMEs in South Africa with the capacity to select the most suitable candidates; and secondly, to cultivate a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the hiring process.
Programme Beneficiaries
HR professionals who want to enhance their skills and knowledge on DEI topics
Owners or managers keen on improving their e-recruitment and hiring processes